Database of surnames

look for your ancestors between 20,000 names

We research directly in Italy

Investigamos directamente en ItaliaWe do researches in Italy and we do them in person. All of our jobs are done in every Italian archive both in big public archives and small parish archives; we know the document contents, the methodology and the people so we can have access to them. Only through consultation of the Italian records and the experience we have of the Italian last names present in those records what makes it possible to make progress in the research.
We believe, without a doubt, that the direct research in the field itself will lead us to success; we do not delegate the research to others.
We do not do research by mail or e-mail.

We find place of birth

Encontramos el lugar de nacimientoFinding the migrant’s place of birth is the real difficulty of the research.

There is not a civil status central archive in Italy but thousands of town halls’ and parishes’ small archives.

Migrants did not come from big cities, they often came from small cities instead; the objective is reached only through a deep knowledge of those territories.
Your Italian ancestors’ last names are studied; a geographical area is identified and we go to look for the documents in the archives themselves verifying step by step the validity of our hypothesis.

Payment on the documents

We only asked for the agreed amount of money when we already have in our hands the requested documents; we do not ask for money in advance or contribution expenses.

If for any reason, it were not possible to find your ancestor’s birth certificate; you would not be spending any money.

We do not like to earn money without giving anything in exchange, this is our best publicity!
We can compromise our time and foresee the research costs because we have over 90% of the cases solved.